Thursday, July 30, 2020

The things that don't come in the manual....

I keep reminding myself that I knew this surgery would be life-changing. What I didn't think about ahead of time was (I may add to this list ongoing)...

- Forget cuddling. For a long time..
- Forget good sleep... Everything is uncomfortable
- BYE carbs, carbonation. Swelly belly essentially happens when you eat too much, eat carbs, or anything else that is on the "no-no" list that I haven't pinpointed yet and means your belly swells, gets extremely tight around the incisions and is very uncomfortable
- hair loss :( My hair is FALLING out. Obviously, if I hadn't done this prophylactically I would expect hair loss from chemo or whatever, but I never expected to lose my hair from surgery.
- I haven't tried it yet but apparently maxi pads work better than gauze for the oozing.
- Hang onto all those old cami's - I've ruined several already by oozing through them.
- Stock up on Zinc, Vitamin C, Juven drink mix, and tons of protein snacks. I didn't get this info from my clinical team at all - this info all came from various sources on my own terms when trying to get my wounds to heal. 
- The weeds and other such things that are "extra" tasks in life - let them go out the window :( I've stressed over not getting EVERYTHING done like I would normally have things done and the stress just isn't worth it. Depending on others for everything is exhausting and there's absolutely no way to keep everything running normal. Let it go... 
- At five months post-DIEP, I'm not 100% but I'm 75%. Mostly tightness/soreness in my belly. 
- The emotional component of this journey is just as exhausting (if not more) as the physical component of this journey.
- Having strong legs and a strong back ahead of DIEP will REALLY help!
- The anticipation of BMX and DIEP was much worse than the surgery itself <3

Made it to the DIEP side :)

I can now say it, too :) I made it to the DIEP side.

Doing ok... It's been a pretty rough road. My surgery was 17 hours on July 21. I woke up in PACU around 1am and remember hearing the conversations among the team about getting me out of PACU to ICU as soon as possible (probably because they were tired!). My doctor is so awesome that she contracted with a device to monitor my flaps ongoing. She could monitor my flaps from her phone with this device. The only problem is, my flaps are small (because she did a great job) so the machine couldn't get a good reading. So it alarmed ALL NIGHT LONG for three nights.

My care team in ICU was amazing. I was treated like a queen. And Dr. Cochran rounded, came to see me every day at least once. She's a perfectionist, which I SO appreciate! I was discharged Sunday, on Post-op day 5. Since being home (today is Thursday), I've had THE best nurse, Vaida :) She really hasn't left my side, waits on me hand and foot, and genuinely cares about my healing SO much. I'd be lost without her and I get teary just thinking about it. So enough of all that..

Did I mention this is a life-changing surgery? I sleep reclined and will probably for the next several months. Once I don't have to be reclined anymore, I have to sleep on my back for a bit longer yet. I will also do away with carbs and anything with carbonation and move to a plant-based diet. AH!

Otherwise, I'm doing ok. Each day gets a little bit better. I thought I'd try and get off my pain meds so I tried that yesterday and regretted it by bedtime. I'm just not ready yet. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out how to nap during the day, stay asleep at night, and somehow get up without my belly and chest screaming at me :) As long as I'm sitting down (besides the sore butt - I didn't get that memo previously), I feel OK. I've definitely learned what it means to "netflix n chill" LOL.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Ready, Set, DIEP!

HOLY smokes! My big day is so soon. I got my COVID test today and of course I'm crossing my fingers it's negative. I feel like I've just been coasting the last 2.5 weeks and I haven't done the nesting, the list-making, etc. that I did prior to my first surgery. Probably good because there's not much I can do, anyway. Good thing I'm a planner :) I guess most things are still taking care of themselves.

I met a new friend who is also going to the DIEP side on Tuesday with me. Her name is Tracey. It's nice to have someone who I'll be able to connect with and share stories.

I cooked for the first time tonight since surgery. Maybe I shouldn't have, but damn did it feel good! Vaida and I just don't have quite the interests :) I LOVE cooking! I went out to the garden, picked a few eggplant, and whipped up some deliciousness - eggplant, red onion, fresh herbs, quinoa, marinara OHH LA LA (see my pic for more fun!).

I'm doing OK, just getting nervous. I'm SO ready to be on the other side. Several folks have actually said the PMX was worse in terms of home recovery than DIEP. We'll see. 

My tiny support circle has been nothing short of amazing and I'm SO grateful <3

Saturday, July 4, 2020

First one down, how many to go?

I'm Post-Op Day (POD 2). I wish I could tell you that I feel great! I'm pretty uncomfortable. Starting back with Wednesday, though, because I intended to write the day before and the day after.

Wednesday, the day prior to surgery, was spent last-minute doing everything- nesting. Went to bed feeling great around 11 that night. Woke up Thursday around 5 am, again feeling great!

My surgical team was phenomenal! My surgeons are Dr. Tam Mai, General Surgeon, and Dr. Abigail Cochran, Plastic Surgeon. Dr. Andy Kim was my anesthesiologist and did a phenomenal job. I think I look pretty good, so far. My worry is being numb, will I know if I'm starting to have a complication? My incisions are underneath, which is great, but I can't see them. Hoping for the best.

Vaida has been the absolute BEST nurse a mom could have. I really don't know what I'd do without her.

Yesterday, POD1, was rough! Super rough. I had a really, really hard time sleeping Thursday night, Friday daytime, and finally got some sleep last night. I haven't slept much today and fireworks will probably pop through the night but I feel best when I'm sleeping.

I can already tell, it's going to require diligent effort to keep my glass half full these next few months. <3

October...Pinktober.. Breast Cancer Awareness Month - it's here!

 Phew, it's been a minute but happy October!  Each year, we designate October as #BreastCancerAwareness Month. September ended and we s...