Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Hereditary Cancer Risk and Men - webinar

 As you all know, the BRCA gene has made an imprint on the ladies in our family. We don't know a lot about how the gene would have or impacted our male family members because we don't really have any left. 

Unfortunately, the genetics don't discriminate :(

Learn how our risk impacts the men in our circles. 

Register here

More information on hereditary cancers can be found here. More information on breast cancer in men can be found here


Gain information and resources about hereditary cancer risks facing Jewish men and their families at this virtual panel program, featuring:
    Gershon Locker, MD, FACP, Medical Oncologist
    Sari Ticker, PsyD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Scott Weissman, MS, CGC, Genetic Counselor
    Moderated by Paul C. Kredow, PsyD, HSPP

The virtual program will begin at 7 PM CDT.

Attendees can participate in a moderated discussion about caregiver support immediately following the program.


For any questions, please contact us at 312-357-4718 or JewishGenetics@juf.org.

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It's BACK, SHE's back..

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