Wednesday, March 4, 2020

March 4, 2020

When life is so crazy you have trouble organizing your thoughts, why not add "blogging" to the list of to-do's, right?! Actually, I think having this space to document everything will help keep me organized. Not only that, I've read SO many blogs of other ladies who've been through this and it's really helped me prepare and know what to expect. I also know what questions I still had/have so I hope to be able to give even more perspective to others who will be on this journey behind me so bear with me as I ramble, rant, and probably bore you with my disorganized, beautiful chaos. If nothing else, maybe it's entertaining?

My full disclaimer is I'm not making 2 different blogs for 2 different audiences. It's all here, pick and choose what you want to follow as you wish :)

I'm going to be creating a thread to document my journey as a previvor. "What's a previvor," you ask? Find out here. It's a nice explanation of one of my current sources of chaos. :) 

More later, 

The picture below is the day I had my Plastic Surgery consult on February 3, 2020 <3

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It's BACK, SHE's back..

Three years ago, I was losing my mind in anticipation [of the beginning of my previvor journey] and finding myself knee deep in houseplants ...